- [x] Create the website using go as a host
- [x] Route Design
- [x] File upload feature
- [x] Merge and Rotate the PDF upload
- [x] Containerised the application Kubernetes & scrips for run Docker (Use Minkube for now)
- [x] Minikube bash Scripts
- [ ] Kustomize and Helm (OLD version) NEED’s new version
- [x] Introduce new website (Improvments)
- [x] Terraform deployment for Update and fix use the ansible and Docker-compose file
- [x] Adding the Kustomize for both backend and Frontend
- [ ] DB ⭕
- [ ] Env for Dev(will using heroku (Account creation issues) & .github Actions) and Prod 🎯P1
- [ ] Test for both frontend and backend
- [x] Jaeger tracing monitroing
- [x] Makefile for kubernetes
- [ ] Prometheus new namespace (Getting some networking issues)
- [ ] Helm chart publishment on
side by side
- [ ] Multi PDF